Realme Firmware

How to Update Realme Phone

Here is full information about how to update Realme Phone. Updating realme phones is very easy and safe too. Installing the firmware in recovery mode will not erase your phone data.

Recovery Mode:

  • Download Recovery Update Firmware File.
  • Transfer downloaded firmware File to phone storage or SD card.
  • then power off the phone.
  • Press and hold the Power and Volume Down buttons, until phone enters Recovery Mode.
  • Choose the language according to you.
update realme phone
  • Select the storage device, and find the firmware from the phone storage or from the SD card where you saved your files.
  • Click on Firmware Ozip file and confirm to update.
  • Please do not press Power button perform other operations until your phone is updated successfully.

Note: This update may bring changes to the look and performance of the phone, but will not cause any changes or erasing of the data you save.